Global Prayer Network was founded in 2009 by Apostle Darryl Winston, one of the nation’s quintessential spiritual leaders known for his monumental work in transforming urban blight through a plethora of ministries and non-profit groups.  The much sought spiritual strategist has been on the leading  edge of major initiatives over the past 20 years.

 Apostle Winston sense the leading of the Holy Spirit to bring the body of Christ together daily for corporate prayer via conference calls.  A clarion call went out throughout the nation to meet Apostle Darryl Winston for 6am prayer. The initial response was overwhelming with hundreds of individuals transcending racial and denominational lines responding to the mandate to pray daily. So many miracles have been wrought by the power of God on the Global Prayer Network.  Recently, Apostle Winston received the call to expand and to establish prayer centers throughout the world.  Global Prayer Network has now become a vibrant spiritual village.

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